FB42172: CodeMeter Programming API: Relative modifications of the License Quantity of a Universal Firm Code license can now be combined with modifications in the Access Control List or of the license tag. FB50982: CodeMeter API Guide: The file filter for RemoteUpdate functions did not work correct.
Bugfixes: FB53060: CodeMeter SDK: The button for deleting CmActLicense licenses on Linux was not activated in all cases. FB44771: cmu: Introduction of the new option for the server search list: "-clearserversearchlist, -delete-server, -show-serversearchlist".Ģ Page: 2 of 116 FB45987: CmDust: CmDust now returns additional information on WibuCmNET in the Global Assembly Cache (GAC) of.net 4.0. FB51084: cmu: The commandline tool cmu can now also be used on macos as root without any restrictions.
FB51213: CodeMeter Core PI: The function "CmGetServers" is now able to simultaneously return name and IP address of the CodeMeter License Server. FB50893: CodeMeter Core API: "CmGetInfo(CM_GEI_TATUS)" now also holds the start time of the CodeMeter server. FB50601: CodeMeter Programming API: The type of a CodeMeter file can now be detected using the new method 'CmFileInfo::GetFileType()'. FB50692: CodeMeter Programming API: The static Programming API methods "CmFileInfo_GetFileType()" are now available via C interface and C++ 'WrapperWrapper'. FB49738: CodeMeter Programming API: On importing Universal Firm Code context files now also the 'Confirmed Transfer ID' of history item is considered. Features: FB50727: CodeMeter Installer: Linux: For rpm distributions now the 'systemd' daemon is required. The access to CodeMeter WebAdmin now supports the HTTPS protocol and can be certificate-based (FB43903). New Introduction of the new CmDongle hardware type label CmStick/BMC (FB51071). You can create a Case online or contact the product support line: (512)326-1011.1 Page: 1 of 116 CodeMeter Dec-20 Windows, Linux, macos Info macos installer for versions previous to are no longer supported (FB47538). To create a support case, you will need either your Maintenance Support number or your CD Tracking number. If you experience any issues with the download link, you can use the Wibu website. Make sure to download the latest version of CodeMeter. Wibu recommends running their installer by right-clicking the EXE and selecting Run as administrator. License information will remain in place after the update.
#Codemeter mac install
You will need to download the new runtime and install it over their existing version of CodeMeter. Wibu has released a new version of the CodeMeter runtime which resolves this issue. When you install CodeMeter on a ftServer, the redundant hardware does not have identical hardware details which will cause the server to lose lockstep which results in a failover.
#Codemeter mac serial number
CPU serial number or MAC addresses of network cards. In order for Codemeter to lock a license to a hardware profile, it must read hardware-level details.
#Codemeter mac Pc
When a license is activated using Codemeter, it locks to the hardware profile of the PC it is running on. WIN-911 utilizes Wibu's licensing management software, CodeMeter, for license activation and protection. Codemeter breaks lockstep on Stratus ftServers Issue Solution home Version 4.21.5 - Standard / Interactive / Advanced Installation and Licensing Codemeter Breaks Lockstep on Stratus ftServers